
The purpose of PHE 360 is to introduce the utilization of measurement and evaluation in the activity based instructional process. Essentially, there are four parts to this course:


Part One will be concerned with developing a rationale for the utilization of measurement and evaluation.

Part Two will be concerned with actual statistical procedures.

Part Three will deal with the various aspects involved with test construction, i.e., what is involved in constructing a reliable and valid test.

Part Four will deal with the application of statistics to actual sport skills testing, fitness testing, and knowledge testing.

To illustrate the utility of measurement and evaluation, let us review the following three situations:

    1. You have been asked to establish a fitness program at your school or community. Think of the strategies in which measurement and evaluation could contribute to make the program meaningful to participants and instructor.

    2. You have just compiled scores from a sports skills test or fitness test. In what way would statistics provide pertinent information to the instructor and participant?

    3. You are interested in seeking out a skills test for your class. What features should you consider of a particular test in order to make a qualified selection?