Volcano Arenal
Once we arrived at Volcano Arenal we immediately started getting pictures of the volcano. Here there was a magnificent, breathtaking view of the volcano. We used this opportunity to take group pictures and to buy our tickets for the hanging bridge trail. After pictures, we started our hanging bridge hike.

Volcano Arenal
View of Volcano Arenal
Dr. Dahlem and beetle
Dr. Dahlem and a Stag Beetle
found at Volcano Arenal

  Stag Beetle
Parrot at Volcano Arenal
Group picture in front of Volcano Arenal
Volcano Arenal
Volcano Arenal
Volcano Arenal
View of Volcano Arenal from
a hanging bridge

Volcano Arenal
View of Volcano Arenal

Volcano Arenal
View of Volcano Arenal

Volcano Arenal
View of Volcano Arenal

Volcano Arenal
View of Volcano Arenal from a hanging bridge

Volcano Arenal
View of Volcano Arenal from a hanging bridge
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