Zip Lining
After we went to the hanging bridges and saw Volcano Arenal, we went zip lining. Everyone zip
lined except for Dr. Dahlem because he is afraid of heights. After we got our harnesses and helmets on, we
walked up a hill to the first platform. There were eleven platforms all together. On the last platform, everyone did
something different. Some went upside down, some went backwards, and others just went without using their hands.

Zip Lining
Casey getting harnessed up

Zip Lining Friends
Jeff, Katie, Diana, and Erik getting
ready to zip line

Zip Lining Friends
Sarah and Casey getting
ready to zip line
Zip Lining Set Up
Diana getting hooked up and
ready to zip line

Zip Lining Set Up
Dr. Durtsche getting hooked up

Zip Lining Set Up
Matt getting hooked up
Zip Lining
Casey zip lining
Zip Lining
Brittany zip lining

Zip Lining
Diana zip lining
Zip Lining
Erik zip lining
Zip Lining
Helen zip lining
Zip Lining
Jeff zip lining
Zip Lining
Katie zip lining
Zip Lining
Kelsey zip lining
Zip Lining
Matt zip lining
Zip Lining
Osniel zip lining
Zip Lining
Rachel zip lining
Zip Lining
Sarah zip lining
Zip Lining

Stacey zip lining
Zip Lining
Dr. Durtsche zip lining
Zip Lining Crew
Zip lining crew
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